Stil vor Talent (Berlin)


 When you think of techno music, many people think of Berlin. And when people think of techno in Berlin, many think of Stil vor Talent – the music label of Oliver Koletzki. He founded the label in 2005 after being told that he had too little musical talent. With his own style and the promise of creative freedom and high-quality music, Stil vor Talent embarked on a long journey. Many labels have come and gone. Stil vor Talent has stayed and got the first rebranding after 20 years in business.

 Preventing their heritage – coming from the Berlin techno scene and still shaping the world of techno around the globe – the new branding reflects the personality of the label to the outside world. It allows Stil vor Talent to move into the future with positivity and curiosity. A fresh and empowering brand for fantastic people doing great work for the world of music – thank you Slawjana, Oliver, Chris, Friedrich, Till, Isi, Amy, Toke and Malén.


(Brand Strategy)

(Brand Design)
(Web Design)

(Brand Guidelines)

(Motion Design)



Studio 442 — capturing soundscapes


 Studio 442 is a recording studio for orchestras and bands in Bern, Switzerland.

 The frequency 442 is an important part of making music and inspired the name of the brand. The visual idea behind the brand is also based on that frequency, with the logo and the graphic element swinging from left to right like the needle of a chromatic tuner.


(Brand Strategy)
(Brand Design)
(Brand Guidelines)


National Youth Windband of Switzerland

T-Shirt design for branding project
Branding Project for NJBO orchestra by Mauro Simeon
NJBO branding by Mauro Simeon
NJBO Poster Design Mauro Simeon
Corporate typography for branding
Corporate typography for branding
Mobile webdesign for branding project
Webdesign for branding project

 I had the great honor of working with the National Youth Wind Band of Switzerland and developing a complete rebranding, including brand strategy, for the orchestra.

 This highly specialized youth orchestra consists of Switzerlands elite young musicians and has a clear vision: to transcend boundaries. Musical boundaries, linguistic boundaries within the four language regions of Switzerland, and national boundaries through international conductors and competitions.

 This transcending of boundaries is symbolized in the typography by stretching the letters and the different shapes within the logo. The guiding principle is „coming together to achieve extraordinary results“.

T-Shirt für NJBO Branding
T-Shirt für orchestra branding
Poster Design for branding project — Mauro Simeon
Poster designs outdoor
Screen design NJBO branding

(Brand Strategy)
(Brand Design)
(Printed Applications)

(Brand Guidelines)


Logos and symbols


 (1) Logo mark for a wind quintet specializing in modern and contemporary music. The logo features a musical note embedded within the five staves.

 (2) Logo mark for the national youth wind band of Switzerland.

 (3) In these times, just three arrows are not enough. Redesign of the original recycling symbol (1970) with four arrows to show the complexity and importance of recycling in our ever-changing world. My contribution to the 50th anniversary of the original recycling symbol.

 (4) Logo mark for a sustainable clothing brand based in Switzerland.

 (5) Word mark for the muta orchestra.

 (6) Logo mark for a music association, that gathers and represents orchestras in Eastern Switzerland.

 (7) Logo mark for a Zurich based music label.

 (8) Logo mark for a Biel (Switzerland) based youth orchestra.


Potatis sans — the potato typeface

Type design letter a — Mauro Simeon
Type design letter s — Mauro Simeon

 We all know the shape of a potato. However, when we grow potatoes, we dont always have full control over their shape. I occasionally had this feeling when I was developing my first typeface, „Potatis Sans“ (Potatis: Swedish for potato).

Typeface examples
Typeface specimen
Potatis Sans examples
Potatis Sans examples
æ glyph by Mauro Simeon
æ bold glyph by Mauro Simeon
& Potatis Sans
+ glyph Potatis Sans
Potato visual Potatis Sans
Potato visual Mauro Simeon
g glyph Potatis Sans by Mauro Simeon
Bold g glyph Potatis Sans by Mauro Simeon
Å glyph for typeface by Mauro Simeon
Bold å glyph for typeface by Mauro Simeon

(Type Design)


Chaos equals fun — the muta orchestra

muta poster design by Mauro Simeon
muta poster design detail by Mauro Simeon

 The 2023 edition of muta orchestra is all about Harry Potter. For this reason, Ive used four spells from the world of J.K. Rowling (Lumos, Expecto Patronum, Incendio and Accio) to design the concert posters for this year.

Incendio graphics for muta orchestra
Expecto Patronum graphics for muta orchestra
Lumos graphics for muta orchestra
muta orchestra live concert
muta orchestra case photography
Incendio poster design by Mauro Simeon
Accio poster design by Mauro Simeon
Expecto Patronum poster design by Mauro Simeon
Lumos poster design by Mauro Simeon
muta orchestra branding case
muta orchestra case
muta orchestra design case
muta orchestra branding

(Brand Design)
(Poster Design)

(Web Design)